Pusa Zero Energy Cool Chamber

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Pusa Zero Energy Cool Chamber (Pusa ZECC) can be constructed easily anywhere with locally available materials like bricks, sand, bamboo, khaskhas/straw, gunny bags, etc., with a source of water. The chamber can keep the temperature 10-15 C coller than the outside temperature and maintain about 90% relative humidity. Different agro-climatic zones have shown to be very useful. It is most effective during the dry season. Small farmers can easily construct Pusa Zero Energy Cool Chambers (ZECC) near their fields and store a few days' harvest before dispatching it to the market.




Apart from the farmer's fields, the cool chambers can be installed profitably wherever fruits and vegetables are held temporarily such as-

•  Packing Stations

•  Villlage Mandis

•  Wholesale Markets in Metropolitan Cities

•  Railway Stations

•  Inter-State Bus Terminals

•  Retails Outlets

•  Big Hotels and Institutional Catering Centres

•  Defence Establishments in remote places where supplies come once in a week

•  Fruits and Vegetables processing factories.




•  Can be constructed by an unskilled person.

•  No mechanical or electrical energy needed.

•  Allows small framers to store produce for few days so that they are not forced to sell at low prices.

•  Reduces losses and pays for itself in a short time.

•  Useful for temporary storage of curd, milk and cooked food.

•  Can also be used for mushroom cultivation, sericulture, storage of bio- fertilizers, hardening of tissue-cultured plants, etc.


For further information please contact


Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi,
Delhi 110012