
Superabsorbent materials are becoming increasingly important in a number of applications such as horticulture. A bio-mass of coir fibre has been mixed and treated suitably with a eco-friendly and water absorbing powder such that the absorbency of the composition can be controlled between 300% and 1200% of the parent weight of fibre mass. The developed process is very simple, does not involve any effluent and is eco-friendly as well. Once absorbed the water is retained very efficiently in the system for a very long time (weeks).

Areas of Application

Agencies involved in horticulture, Arid zone agriculture


  • Absoutely eco-friendly product and process; Can be used extensibly in horticulture as well as in Agriculture under arid climatic conditions.
  • Superabsorbent, Eco-friendly, Jute and Coir

For further information please contact

Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT)