Glazed Terracotta Crockery and Handicrafts
Product: |
Process to manufacture high strength glazed terracotta crockery, figurine and handicraft items.
Application: |
Decoration and utility wares
Feature: |
Manufacture of glazed terracotta figurines and crockery items is a traditional handicraft in India. The improved process facilitates production through scientific processing of beneficiated local clay and its blending with ball clay, quartz, feldspar and use of fuel efficient kiln. It enables potters to produce a wider range of products varying from crockery to novelty items with higher productivity, thereby creating more remunerative opportunities.
Commercialisation: |
Economy: |
30 kg/day
Investment: |
Rs. 5 lakh
Equipment: |
Ball mill, pug mill, blunger, agitator, filter press, potter wheel, jigger jolley, shuttle kiln/electric kiln etc.
Raw materials: |
Locally available common plastic clay, feldspar, ball clay, dolomite, quartz
Institute: |
Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
For further information please contact
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
Anusandhan Bhawan, 2 Rafi Ahmed Kidwai Marg,
New Delhi – 110001