High-Speed Automated Pavement Inspections
Currently, manual pavement rating surveys are expensive, have low output rates, are subjective, and are dangerous for drivers and surveyors. Furthermore, current automated systems have low coverage and speed, require off-line processing, and are expensive.
This technology can be employed to find and classify cracks in pavement in accordance with the Pavement Management Information System (PMIS) and the American Association of State Highway Transport Officers (AASHTO). PMIS data includes transverse, longitudinal, and alligator cracking, while AASHTO data includes crack density information. Also, this automated system provides the actual number of transverse cracks, longitudinal cracks, spalled cracks, and punch-outs. Finally, this technology can record the analytical information and provide an accompanying snapshot of the pavement.
- Objective
- Automated
- High-speed
- Repeatable
- Multi-functional
- Simple setup
- Real-time process
- Full coverage
- Low cost
- Safe
- Line scan camera
- High-speed frame grabber
- Computer
- Linear lighting device
- Custom-design software
- Works on non-rainy days and nights
Market Potential/Applications
This technology can be utilized for batch concrete and asphalt surface analyses by the Department of Transportation, the Department of Defense and the airline industry.
For further information please contact
University of Texas,
Austin, USA
Website : www.otc.utexas.edu