Ayush Ghutti for the Treatment of Cough, Cold, Vomiting, Diarrhoea in Children
The Central Council for Ayurveda & Siddha, under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has developed the the technology for above preparation. Ayush Ghutti for the treatment of cough, cold, vomiting, diarrhoea in childrenThe Council has developed, a herbo-mineral formulation which is found effective in the treatment of cough, cold, vomiting, diarrhoea in children.
Clinical Trials
Clinical & physico-chemical studies were carried out and the drug in tablet form have shown very good response in children in C3 and C4 levels besides clinical improvements PROCESS
Punica Granulatum Linn.(Dadim Phal Twak) Mangifera Indica Linn.(Amra Beej Majja)Nelumbo Nucifeara Gaertn(Kamal Beej Majja)Terminalia Chebula Retz.(Haritaki Phal Majja)Zingiber Officinale(Shunthi Rhizome)Aegle Marmelos Corr.(Bilwa Majja, upper fruit pulp) Serpentine Stone(Zeharmohra Pishti).
Powder the above materials to 100 mesh powder in the prescribed proportion alongwith some additives like starch, gum acacia, etc. and sodium benzoate. Powder & additives are fed into a ball mill for uniform mixing and fine grinding. The mass is then granulated. The granules are dried at 70oC in a hot air drier. The granules of the desired size are fed to a heavy duty tablets making machine. 250 mg. tablets are strip packed to protect them from the atmospheric moisture.
Dose- One tablet twice a day to Children 6 months to one year old.
Plant Parameters
Capacity, Kits PA | 10 million |
No.of Shifts / day | 2 |
Working days / Yr | 300 |
Land Area, m2 | 600 |
Covered Area, m2 | 200 |
Managerial | 1 |
Skilled | 5 |
Unskilled | 10 |
Plant & Machinery
Pulveriser | Ball mill |
Evaporating pans | Extractor |
Mixing machine | Granulator |
Licence Period | 14Years |
Nature of Licence | Non exclusive |
Operating Experience | Proven |
For further information please contact
National Research Development Corporation
( A Government of India Enterprise )
20-22, Zamroodhpur Community Center
Kailash Colony Extension
New Delhi 110 048. India
Ph: +91-11-26419904, 26417821, 26480767, 26432627
Fax: 011-26231877, 26460506, 26478010
Website: www.nrdcindia.com
E-mail: write2@nrdcindia.com