Parallel Linear Algebra Package (PLAPACK)


PLAPACK is a library infrastructure for the parallel implementation of linear algebra algorithms and applications on distributed memory supercomputers such as the Intel Paragon, IBM SP2, Cray T3D/T3E, SGI PowerChallenge, and Convex Exemplar. This infrastructure allows library developers, scientists, and engineers to exploit a natural approach to encoding so-called blocked algorithms, which achieve high performance by operating on submatrices and subvectors. This feature, as well as the use of an alternative, more application-centric approach to data distribution, sets PLAPACK apart from other parallel linear algebra libraries, allowing for strong performance and significantly less programming by the user.


  • High-level abstraction obtained
  • User-friendly
  • Convenient interface for applications
  • Reduced coding required to maintain libraries


  • Use of abstract programming interface
  • Use of message passing interface
  • Data distribution that is vector-centric rather than matrix-centric

Market Potential/Applications

PLAPACK is an infrastructure for building software libraries; thus, it is inherently designed to allow adding functionality. Such libraries are used for scientific applications in industry and academia.

For further information please contact

University of Texas,
Austin, USA
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