Oil Spectrophotometer
Oils and fats obtain metallic contents from soil where plants are grown and from contact equipments during crushing, processing and storage. Many of the Metal ions promote auto-oxidation, which results in off-flavour accompanied by change in color of oil. Studies have shown that Cu ions are most harmful for edible purposes. Presently to measure Cu, Ni, Fe, Inorganic P costly analytical instruments are being used. The oil spectrophotometer developed at CSIO is based on Lambert-Beer's law using specific color developing reagents for each element. The instrument consists of a light source, sample holder, detector and optical filters of wavelengths 430, 470, 510 and 695 nm. Specific test reagents have been developed for the estimation of each metal ion. Concentration is directly displayed on LCD.
Second model is available having two LEDs & display system in concentration mode based on microcontroller.
Special Features
- Portable instrument
- Direct display of concentration for Ni , Fe, P, Cu in ppm
- Stable and dedicated reagents
- Long shelf life of reagents
- No standards required for calibration
- Reproducible results, easy to operate
Broad Specifications
- Measuring Range: 0.1 to 2.0 ppm for Cu, Fe & Ni and 0.05 to 0.7 ppm for P.
- Display: 3½ digit LCD
- Light Source: Tungsten Lamp / LED (450, 680nm)
For further information please contact
VP Giridhar,
Head, BDG and S&M Centres,
Central Scientific Instruments Organisation,
E-mail: vpg_bdg_csio@yahoo.co.in