Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Software
A Korean company is offering the technology of OCR software. Anypage, an OCR software, allows automated input of printed documents to computer without typing them on the keyboard. Anypage can read documents of Korean and Chinese character as well as English alphabet. With its document analysis capability, anypage can classify text, table, and image blocks, then convert them into electronic files.
Area of Application
Electronics industry, computers
Recognition Engine By using multiple experts, anypage provides high quality recognition Recognition of badly printed texts Ability to learn new characters Recognition printed alphanumeric, Korean and Chinese letters Document analysis Recognitio
For further information please contact
Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology
APCTT Building
C-2 Qutab Institutional Area
P.O.Box - 4575
New Delhi - 110 016
Tel : 91-11-26966509
Fax : 91-11-26856274