Mini Climbing Crane
Salient Technical Features
These can be used as door shutters, panels partitions, table tops, cupboards etc. Salient technical features are environment friendly wood substitute; easy installation and maintenance; can be painted, polished and / or laminated; lightweight; economical; approved by CPWD for adoption in their construction works. Major components / raw materials required are EPS Sheets, adhesive, MDF sheets, agro-forestry products like rubber eucalyptus etc. Major plant equipment and machinery required are Hydraulic press, planer cutter, mixer, laboratory equipment, adhesive applicator etc. The technology package includes process know-hoe document, demonstration, assistance in production.
Environmental friendly wood substitute; easy installation and maintenance; can be painted polished and / or laminated; lightweight; economical; approved by CPWD for adoption in their construction works.
Door shutters, panels partitions, table tops, cupboards, etc.
Level/Scale of Development
Laboratory scale
Status of Commercialization
Licenced, Product is commercially available
Raw Mateials
EPS sheets, adhesive, MDF sheets, agro-forestry products like rubber, eucalyptus etc.
Hydraulic press, planer cutter, mixer, laboratory equipment, adhesive applicator etc
For further information please contact
Research Planning & Business Development
Central Building Research Institute,
Roorkee- 247 667 (India)