Bed Planting Technology


Research trials on sandy loam soil at IARI, New Delhi showed that 37.5 cm wide beds alternating with 30 cm wide furrows were most suited for growing three rows of wheat in rabi , one row of maize and two rows of soybean in kharif . As compared to conventional planting, growing of these crops on beds not only save fuel and labor but also water, seed, fertilizer and pesticides, besides maintaining the same or higher crop productivity. It also improves soil physical environment as evident from the reduction in bulk density and penetration resistance, and the increase in infiltration rate and root growth.




•  Bed preparation along with mechanized seeding of row crops like maize, wheat, soybean, cotton, etc., in one operation, thus saves fuel cost and manpower.

•  Reduces seed rate.

•  Reduces fertilizer and irrigation water application.

•  Provides drainage under rainfed conditions where water logging can occur.

•  Reduces compaction because of controlled traffic pattern.

•  Reduces crop lodging.

•  Easy field access for hand weeding during later crop stage and other inter-cultivation practices,


For further information please contact :

Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi