Pot Chlorinator For Wells

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National Environmental Engineering Research Institute has developed a Earthen/plastic pot filled with bleaching powder, sand etc. for purification of water.

An earthen/plastic pot with 2-3 holes each in the lid and the bottom is filled with gravel. A mixture of bleaching powder and sand (1:4) is added and further filled upto top with gravel. The pot is submerged in the well at 1 – 1.5 m depth with help of a rope. The pot receives jerks whenever water is drawn out through the bucket, which in turn helps leaching of bleaching powder into the well. Residual chlorine concentration of 0.2 – 0.5 mg/L is maintained in the well water for about a week.

Areas of Applications

Can be used for disinfection of open dug wells or elevated surface reservoirs used for water supply.

Equipment \ Raw Materials

Earthen/plastic pot of 5L capacity, rope, binding wire. Course sand, gravel, bleaching powder, polythene sheets.

Stage of Development

Fully developed and available commercially.

Economic Data

One pot for a 10,000 L water well with withdrawal rate of 1000 L water/day will cost Rs.100/-

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