Method and Apparatus for Data Multicast in a Distributed Uniprocessor System


On-chip networks are emerging as a key technology for transporting data among processing elements within a single chip. Power, area, and latency are all critical aspects of these on-chip networks that must be optimized together. These networks are typically organized as low-dimensional routed networks, which can route point-to-point messages quite efficiently. However, when a message must be routed to a fraction (including all) of the possible recipients on a chip, standard on-chip networks are inefficient.


  • Allows a message to be widely sent, despite the restrictions of the on-chip network topology, by only using each network link at most once
  • Improves power efficiency and performance at a small cost in additional hardware complexity


Applies multicast technology to new applications limited to on-chip networks with their restricted topologies

Market Potential/Applications

High-performance, low-power data processing systems

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University of Texas,
Austin, USA
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