Low Cost and Green Manufacturing Using Smart Enzymes Libraries

Technology Description

CELLZYME BIOTECH had developed an innovative enzyme that can be used by pharmaceutical companies. The enzyme is developed using recombinant DNA technology. The enzyme can be used as a processing aid to shift the existing chemical process, which generates pollution to an enzymatic process that is greener and safer. The innovative product can be used for the large scale manufacturing of cephalosporin antibiotics.

Current manufacturing process is carried out at -60‐C with higher amounts of sodium hydroxide (alkali) and huge volumes of organic solvent. It is desirable to develop a cost-effective, eco-friendly, green manufacturing of pharmaceutical intermediates for cephalosporin antibiotics. Traditionally, synthesis of cephalosporins has required an inefficient chemical process that involves significant quantities of organic solvents. To address these requirements, it is imperative to design an enzymatic process.


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Email: timeis@ficci.com