Snow Multi-Parameter Probe

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Snow-pack is a complex structure. Snow is a fragile & cellular material with a distinct structural setup of ice crystals. Their mechanical properties and stability determine whether the snow is stable enough to prevent an avalanche. Snow is also a rapidly changing material.

Multiparameter Probe is an instrument for measuring the bonding force between snow grains (vertical to snow layers) with high spatial resolution & high speed. It penetrates the snow-pack with user selectable speed in between 1 to 20 mm/s.With this instrument snow researchers can rapidly & precisely investigate the properties of snow layers.




  • •  Snowpack profiling for snow avalanche forecasting.

    •  Characterization of ski racing & snow runway.

    •  Compressive strength measurement.



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CSIR- Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute [CSIR-CMERI]
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Tel: 91-343-2546401, 6510701