Domestic Stove cum Charcoal Making Unit

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Domestic stove cum charcoal making unit can be used for domestic cooking or heating and at the same time produce valued based charcoal. Unlike the conventional chullahs, the unit uses biomass materials widely available in the north eastern region such as Ipomeae carnea, Mallotus albus, Tamarix dioica, Heteropanax fragrans, Oroxylum indicum , etc. for charcoal making which are otherwise considered as waste with no timber value. The fuel characteristics of the produced charcoal are found to be same as the conventionally made charcoal from big wood plants. Charcoal produced from this device can be used as a source of energy as well as media for water purification.

The unit has greater heating efficiency than open chullahs.




  • •  The time for producing wood charcoal is shorter than the conventional methods

    •  Useful for converting biomass to wood charcoal

    •  Environment friendly

    •  Low cost per unit


  • For further information please contact


CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology[CSIR-NEIST]
Tel: 91-376- 2370012