Cement Based Vermiculite Tiles

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Suitable for thermal insulation in Residential, Commercial & Industrial Buildings


Salient Features


Maximum heat transmission takes place through the exposed surface of the roof (more than 60%). Use of the thermally insulated material provide thermal comfort inside the room on one end and reduce the energy requirement for cooling in summer and heating in winter. Therefore, keeping this in view, we have developed cement based vermiculite tiles using water dispersible polymers along with additives. To get the improved physio-mechanical properties, high pressure compaction technique has been used. These tiles are light weight. All the parameters such as polymer ratio, conditions etc. have been optimized. These tiles can provide thermal insulation to the computer rooms, cold storages etc. as the material arrest the heat dissipation.


Technology Package


Process know-how document, demonstration of the process




Approx. 1000 sq, meter (profitability : 20 - 22%)


Scale of Development


Lab scale


Status of Commercialization


Licenced, Product is commercially available


Raw Materials


Cement, Water dispersible polymers, Different grades of vermiculite, compatible additives


Plant, Equipment and Machinery required


Hydraulic Press, Vibration Table, Mixer and Moulds etc.


Environmental Aspects




IPR Status


Not applied for Patent


For further information please contact

The Director
CSIR - Central Building Research Institute,
Roorkee – 247 667
Phone: +91 – 1332 – 272243