

Aquaponics is a mix of tank farming Aquaculture and Hydroponics witch is a soilless method of farming. Aquaponics makes use of these 2 in a cooperative mix where plants are fed the marine pets' discharge or waste. In return, the veggies cleanse the water that returns to the fish. Together with the fish as well as their waste, and plants in the system cleaning the water a very essential biological function begins to happen witch is the transformation of fish waste (Ammonia) to Nitrites, Nitrites over time then converts to Nitrates this is could the nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen is a beneficial bacteria witch the plants absorb as food. These useful microorganisms collect in the areas in between the origins of the plant as well as transforms the fish waste and also the solids right into materials the plants could make use of to expand. The outcome is an ideal partnership in between the fish and plants a balanced eco-system for both in which they thrive.


The main components of Aquaponics system are as follows:

Plants: The whole purpose of the aquaponics system is to grow plants in an environmentally sustainable way allowing for food security. The plants do not just receive all the benefits of the aquaponics system. They actually play a highly important role in maintaining the overall cycle of the aquaponics system. They act as a natural filter for the water, absorbing the nitrates, therefore detoxifying the water allowing for recirculation back to the fish. The plants remove the need to clean waste accumulated in the fish tank because they use the waste, absorbing nutrients for growth, specifically nitrates that can be toxic to the fish.

Fish: This is the aquaculture component of the aquaponics system. The excretions from the fish are what eventually provide the nutrients needed to grow the plants. For every pound of fish, about two gallons of water are needed; for every gallon of water, there can be The fish tank is the area that needs to be the most maintained, just because they are living animals, which also means that they are one of the main indicators of overall health of the system.

Bacteria: From first glance, it may seem that there are only two components of an aquaponics system: fish and plants. However, there is one other piece that without it, there would not be an aquaponics system. The bacteria play a highly integral part of the cycle. The bacteria are in between the fish and the plant stage. The bacteria are what transform the waste into the nutrients able to be absorbed by the plants. They do this through a process known as nitrification.




•  There is no have to utilize plant foods since the fish offer abundant nutrients for the plants

•  In aquaponics, much less water is utilized for the plants. Study has actually revealed that aquaponic yards make use of 1/10th of the water you would certainly utilize for dirt yard.

•  Routine horticulture chemicals or various other chemicals cannot be utilized since they would certainly damage the fish.

•  This leads to much healthier as well as natural veggies.

•  You will not experience any type of dirt birthed illness in aquaponics due to the fact that there is no dirt

•  You could expand plants in extremely tiny room, as well as have a terrific harvest

•  Plants expand quick since they obtain really healthy materials from the fish waste

•  Plants, as well as fish manufacturing, could be performed in a regulated temperature level atmosphere.

•  Water is utilized in a shut system and also flowed properly, minimizing the usage as well as the water expenses


For further information please contact :

Ponic Greens
Platina Tower, MG Road, Opp. 
Sikanderpur, Metro Station,
Sector 28, Gurugram NCR - 12201